2020 竹園岡公開賽

ZhuYuanGang Open 2020

比賽資訊 / Information

比賽日期 Date
2020/02/29 (六) ~ 2020/03/01 (日)

比賽會場 Venue

會場地址 Venue Address

會場位置 Venue Detail
4樓 4C長壽廳

主辦人 Organizer
Yu-Kai Chen (陳宇楷) Shao-Yu Hu (胡紹宇)

WCA代表 WCA Delegate
Chia-Leo Lin (林珈樂)

WCA賽事資訊 WCA Imformation

競賽規則 / Regulations






1. 所有入場者(包含家長與陪同觀眾)需配戴口罩才能入場,此為強制措施,請各位選手及陪同觀眾特別注意。
2. 所有入場者需於入場時量測體溫並進行登記,發燒者將被拒絕進入賽場,不得異議。
3. 我們將會在賽台出口以及報到桌各放置一罐75%消毒酒精,請各位多加利用。
4. 我們會安排每天三個時段對所有的比賽桌及器材進行消毒,請各位選手放心。


1. 若您在賽場量測體溫後,發現有發燒症狀而被拒入場者,扣除必要金流公司手續費後退款已繳報名費之全額。
2. 若您因擔心疫情影響而無法參賽者,於報名截止(2/22 23:59:59)前提出退賽申請者,扣除必要金流公司手續費後退回已繳報名費之七成。
3. 若您在賽場因無配戴口罩而被拒絕入場者,不予退款。


Due to the epidemic of the Coronavirus disease, the application of the original venue was withdrawn by TNFSH to guarantee health on campus.Therefore we are forced to alter the location of the competition.

The new venue will be changed to
Tainan Cultural And Creative Park - 4C ChangShou Hall
(No. 16, Sec. 2, Beimen Rd., East Dist., Tainan City)

Besides, we set a few measures to prevent the epidemic:

1. All audience (including parents and spectators) are REQUIRED to wear a mask before entering the venue. Please be aware that this is a FORCED measure.
2. All audience are required to measure their body temperature and register when entering the venue. Audience with a fever will be refused to enter the arena without objection.
3. Disinfectants will be placed at the stage exit and the registration counter, please make more use of it.
4. All equipments will get a disinfection three times per day, please be at ease.

For participants who are unable to attend due to the failure to accomplish the measures above, we also established some alternatives for competitors:

1. If you are discovered with a fever before entering the venue, your registration fee (with handling fee deducted) will be fully refunded.
2. If you are unable to participate due to concerns of the epidemic, you can request for withdrawal application, 70% of your registration fee (with handling fee deducted) will be refunded. please make a request before the deadline time of register(February 22, 2020, 11:59 PM GMT+8)
3. If you are refused to enter the venue because of not wearing a mask, your registration fee will NOT BE REFUNDED.

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